Conversation Between L.A.P. and Kassad

  1. Kassad
    Go to this page:

    It has the contact for all the Florida branches. The phone number for the Miami branch is 305-710-3189. Even though you don't live there, calling them will get you in touch. Let me know if no one answers and I'll get you other contact information.
  2. L.A.P.
    The only confirmation I got form them is that I get e-mails from them all the time now. So does that mean I've been accepted or something? There is also the fact that I live in a small city that is basically a beach resort for the right-wing conservative upper class, so I'd imagine I'm pretty far from the closest branch.
  3. Kassad
    I know we talked a while back about your membership in the PSL. Did you manage to get in contact with the comrades in Florida?
  4. Kassad
    If you haven't heard back from a membership application, give a call or e-mail to one of our national offices (San Francisco or Washington DC) and they'll make sure you get in touch. If you feel comfortable giving me your phone or e-mail through private message, I can also forward that to our branches in Florida.
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