Conversation Between FreeFocus and Stranger Than Paradise

  1. Stranger Than Paradise
    Ok cool, thanks for your reply. I can tell from your posts that anti-imperialism is important, unlike a lot of people within our movement you have a very defined and developed view of anti-imperialism, it is really refreshing.
  2. FreeFocus
    Hey, thanks for the kind words. I don't really follow a particular strand, I'm just a libertarian socialist who sees the value in a variety of tactics - in fact, I view a variety of tactics as being necessary, including the creation of alternative institutions and spaces in the here and now. Anti-imperialism is a major part of my politics, whereas for a lot of anarchists it isn't, and just falls under "anti-capitalism" for them. That's insufficient for me. As far as platformism goes, it has value in some circumstances, but there's no end-all-be-all strategy that works in every region/country or during any time period. I like anarcho-syndicalism and, again, it has its worth, but works best as part of a mixed strategy rather than the sole strategy.
  3. Stranger Than Paradise
    Hello comrade, I respect your politics greatly as you seem to not be influenced by sectarianism at all. Having said that what is your particular strand of Anarchism? Are you a platformist? What is your position on Anarcho-Syndicalism?
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