Conversation Between Comrade Anarchist and Jazzhands

  1. Comrade Anarchist
    I didn't want to argue about a damn term but if we must. Fascism is where there is a strong national state that forces private industry to work for the state. It isn't a corporatist coup de tat. Lincoln nationalized the railroad industry practically and the nation's telegraph system and other industries and forced them to work for the union, and the south did the same thing.
  2. Jazzhands
    Fascism is what happens when private property takes over the state. When corporate and private capitalist interests become stronger than the democratic state or subvert it to the point when it is not democratic anymore, that is fascism. The Italian and Spanish economies were structured around corporatism. It is the opposite of the state taking over property, it is property and the preservation of property taking over the state.
  3. Comrade Anarchist
    Lincoln took control of privately controlled materials and forced them to be used for the war. Sounds pretty fascist to me to have private property fully managed by government. Here is the point im trying to make, your cause is good, slavery was wrong and should have never happened but it did and was horrific but war is much worse and destructive and when war is fought with soldiers against their will then they are in a form of slavery. I don't give two shits about the south nor the north both were basically fascist but the problem with the union is that they used their coercive force to fight and kill people in order to unite the union and only later on free slaves. Slavery was wrong of course and the southerners were obviously in the wrong but the union was also in the wrong when it decided it had the duty to free the slaves.
  4. Jazzhands
    It's kinda odd that the Union was fascist since fascism didn't even exist then.
  5. Comrade Anarchist
    What im saying is that when you look back at the war you believe that the union was totally correct in going down south and freeing the slaves. They did this by drafting people. You may not support a draft but it is just as wrong to support a side that used it to fight a war. I think slavery is wrong but when i look back at that war i don't think the union was right in its endeavor b/c they used a war and a draft to free them. Stop trying to cover your traps by calling yourself an anarchist b/c your support of the union means you support fascism that uses force to and practically slaves to fight a war to reunite a country under the name of freedom.
  6. Jazzhands
    When did I say I supported the draft? I did not. You exaggerated grossly by saying that because I believe the cause is just, drafting is also just. Thus it is a strawman. I'm actually an anarchist, you moron.
  7. Comrade Anarchist
    you are fucking ridiculous. drafts are practically a form of slavery yet you believe that form of slavery is okay as long as it serves your purpose. There is no argument to be had. You just have a hard time realizing that using people against their will is wrong so you run away *****ing strawman strawman like a fucking retard when something contradicts your bullshit statist gods and fucknut statist beliefs.
  8. Jazzhands
    what you're doing is beyond a strawman.
  9. Comrade Anarchist
    no slavery is no different. Freeing slaves by enslaving more people is in no way justifiable. By drafting men against their will the union was committing slavery so according to you slavery is okay as long as it serves your purposes. I don't in anyway condone slavery but creating more slaves of your own to fight for the other slaves is a gross injustice.
  10. Jazzhands
    So slavery is somehow different?
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