Conversation Between Elect Marx and ÑóẊîöʼn

  1. ÑóẊîöʼn
    I've not got got regular internet accesss at the moment, so my appearances on Revleft are going to be sporadic, to say least, in the forseeable future. I'll definately check out your reply.
  2. Elect Marx
    Yo, where are you? I responded in the HP group. CC is closed, shit be crazy... things are always different when I stop in.
  3. ÑóẊîöʼn
    Yep, I live in Slough. A lot of people slag it off but to be honest it isn't that bad. I certainly prefer living here to living in North Wales. Mainly because it's actually considered a part of civilisation.
  4. Elect Marx
    You live in Slough; no kidding? I have a friend that lives just down the road from where they filmed the opening to The Office. Not sure if they actually filmed the show there. I watched that show on BBC at friends house, our local commie celebrity. Too bad he had to move to China...
  5. Elect Marx
    Belated happy B-day NoX.
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