Conversation Between Property Is Robbery and Die Rote Fahne

  1. No. Socialism's goal is worker control over the means of production. Marxist socialists are scientific socialists, and believe solely in revolution.

    Utopian socialists believe in democratically reforming the system.

    Anarchists believe, also in revolution, but not in the Marxist dialectics and scientific socialism.

    All I am saying to him, is that National Socialism is not socialism.
  2. Property Is Robbery
    I agree with only half of what you're saying in that nazi thread. Do you really think Marxist socialism is the only socialism?
  3. Hey, would you be interested in playing the Forum game "Katanga" in OI? It's a political sim game, its pretty fun.

    Let me know, we need more players.
  4. Property Is Robbery
    ah now I remember
  5. Shutter Shade Chomsky, like Blackened Marxist's avatar. :P

    Ill be changing back to it. I only have this one for the Katanga Forum Game in OI (which you should come play, its quite entertaining).
  6. Property Is Robbery
    What was your last avatar? I remember your name but i cant place you w/ your new picture
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