Conversation Between Sarah Palin and ÑóẊîöʼn

  1. Sarah Palin
    Thanks a bunch.
  2. ÑóẊîöʼn
    Well, for blog recommendations:

    Bad Astronomy - An astronomy blog with a definate skeptical/woo-debunking bent.

    Centauri Dreams - A newsblog that focuses on space exploration and interstellar travel.

    Starts with A Bang! - I recently found this blog, and it's good at covering the basics and why they matter.

    Hope you find them useful.
  3. Sarah Palin
    Yo mon coupla things.
    1. Check my reply to you in the anti-malthusian discussion board, I think I may have outlined a bit what they're all about. Not very succinct though.
    2. You seem to be the Revleft science authority. Could you recommend any good astronomy/astro-physics blogs? I'm quite curious about the subject.
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