Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Palmares

  1. Palmares
    Keepin' it 'ol school
  2. I didn't realise you joined in 2002?!
  3. I only want to go to Taz. Go back there and I'll come and visit

    I'm thinking of moving to Aus or NZ when I qualify though.
  4. Palmares
    No relapse to facebook I'm afraid.

    Also, I moved back to the big city - no longer in Tassie.

    But if you come to my neck of the woods, it'd be cool to hang no matter where I am.
  5. I want to come and visit you in Tasmania.

    Are you back on FB yet?
  6. Palmares
  7. Oi you. <3
  8. I know right. I've been waiting for stuff to do and then you come along with all your global mod powers and steal my limelight
  9. Palmares
    Ah bugger, it just occurred to me that you are just a local mod... And as a global mod I was just by accident kinda stealing your sunshine. Fuck sorry, your subforum is fairly quiet, so I feel extra bad now.
  10. Palmares
    No worries. The thought had crossed my mind, but then I just saw how much other people seemed to mod forums not specifically modded by them, so I thought perhaps it didn't matter.

    In future, I'll contact you instead. Apologies for crossing into your territory.
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