Conversation Between pastradamus and Patchd

  1. Patchd
    Yeah, agreed on that again Revleft is a decent tool for learning, and it stimulates my ego somewhat hahaha! Nah I kid, I come on here cos I have nothing better to do
  2. pastradamus
    Exactly! Though Rev-left can be a good learning tool you learn a million times more by talking to people in real life. good stuff.
  3. Patchd
    From reading and activism! I think I've learnt a lot more by engaging with those on the left in real life than reading Keep it up too comrade!
  4. pastradamus
    Thats exactly the way to go my man. well done. Im not a theoretical person in my own opinion, its a matter simular to your self. I've just developed my own random ideals from my reading. keep it up comrade!!!
  5. Patchd
    Ah no worries, I'm in the same situation as you are, just I'm probably much less theoretical. Basically, my political beliefs have just developed over time from reading one source to another, and the advice you gave the person was a good one
  6. pastradamus
    Thanks comrade for your rep. I was initially unsure about what to post but felt I made a point. Aprectiated man.
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