Conversation Between hatzel and l'Enfermé

  1. hatzel
    Can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do! :P
  2. Yay you're back, don't leave us again please! :happyface:
  3. hatzel
    As a one-time roosterist I'll give a shamelessly biased account: pretty much now-banned user rooster actually knows the first thing about Marxism, unlike all the Stalin-fanboys on here, so he schooled them in every debate (with the backing of a bunch of other users), and they got annoyed and started calling actual non-ML Marxism roosterism, as if he'd just come up with something of his own that we were all gathering around, so a roosterist group was made which, on the outside, was just about trolling Stalinists, but on the inside was about having decent discussions without having Red Alert types disturbing us. But...then it was now we're in diaspora, trying to maintain some collective stick two fingers up at the ML's, I feel
  4. Ah! Thanks for clearing that up that. Another thing, there's a lot of talk of "roosterism" and some "roosterists", since you've been around here for some could you explain to me just what the heck roosterism is?
  5. hatzel
    Hah, naaaaah, unfortunately that was just a bit of a joke thing. I can't remember who came up with it exactly, but for some reason it was decided quite a long time ago that I was the closest thing we had here to an expert on matters of Jewish law (because that's really useful on this site...), so they started calling me 'rabbi,' and...well, I guess it just stuck for a while...
  6. Nice pr0n on visitor messages thing, you dumb marxist atheist ***** kike, hahaha(just making fun of tradeunionsupporter, to be clear). Anyways I've heard somewhere that you're a rabbi, which isn't very common for a RevLeft inhabitant and that's pretty interesting, so I've been meaning to ask if it's true. Is it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6