Conversation Between Emily and Dimentio

  1. Emily
    You have good taste!
  2. Phosphor, Future, Synchronised Hearts, Follow your Heart, Fusion, Crackhead, Stay young
  3. Emily
    Hahaha I hope not the more negative lyrics! XD
    What are your favorite songs? I love Plastic World, Phosphor, Future.
  4. Future

    Nice you like them as well
  5. Emily
    Which song?
    They're awesome
  6. Okay, know there are some references to us on a Colony 5 song

    *happen to love Colony 5*
  7. Emily
    Not really. I'm a member of quite a few forums, which use the exact same style, and good with Html I'd actually never heard of this until someone on youtube suggested it! XD
  8. To be a new user, I sense you have experience in modding revleft userpages. ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8