Conversation Between Labor Shall Rule and Yehuda Stern

  1. Yehuda Stern
    Thank you very much, comrade. I think that you will find that my position is in fact the classical Trotskyist position. In this sense you may find that you are a lot closer to Trotsky than you may think. And seeing as being a revolutionary in the age of imperialism means, perhaps more than anything else, standing resolutely with oppressed people again this imperialism, you may be closer to him than many 'trots' of the CWI / IMT / SWP strand. I thank you again for your compliments - it is always good to know that someone other than me noticed what a joke LZ and others make of themselves with their shameless lying - and I hope we will get to discuss issues on a more in-depth level. If you have MSN or Skype, you can look me up.
  2. Labor Shall Rule
    Though I don't consider myself a 'Trotskyist', it's quite refreshing to see a Trot that takes a classical Marxist national line - it was brutal to watch you put down Led Zeppelin, Leo, and others on the question of Palestine. It's great to have you on board!
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