Conversation Between Jazzratt and Amphictyonis

  1. Jazzratt
    So you did. Bloody sloppy work, lay off the xanax
  2. In my post below I typed "They're is". I thought that was funny. I was just stalking your page and noticed that. Maybe I had too many Xanax that night?
  3. You should try xanax.....sometimes booze will take the edge off
  4. Jazzratt
    I'm not defending them though, I think the position described is a fucking awful one. Unless is you being bitter because I didn't entertain your pointless "am I allowed to break the rules ?" thread.
  5. Yes. They're is defending the new healthcare law as 'good for the working class'. Saying revolution is 'outdated', saying Lawrence O'Donnell is a 'socialist' etc.
  6. Jazzratt
    What the fuck are you talking about? Do you have some quotes to back that up or are you just making shit up as you go along?
  7. I'm not sure why you defend liberals who are advocating the Democrats healthcare law as "good for the working class? Can you enlighten me please? Thanks.
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