Conversation Between Sasha and The Feral Underclass

  1. Double shifts suck ass. I was a hard working admin, if not a little controversial, you have to at least give me that. Anyway, at least now I know you don't hate me.
  2. Sasha
    I was on holiday, now im working double shifts, but yes I'm rubbish at answering messages and no I don't hate you but hell no you should ever be an admin again...
    Enjoy your new found freedom to be very, very rude to idiots, I'm definitly enjoying it
  3. Are you rubbish at responding to people's messages, or is it just that you hate me
  4. I should be an admin again, no?
  5. Sasha
    Hell no, I hope we get to continue the grand tradition of messing up royal festivities a bit. By rule crownings and royal marriage happen in the central church in amsterdam, the most anti-monarchist city in the country.
    Well have some fun...
  6. Are you said the old Bea has abdicated?
  7. Oi. Firstly, I wasn't drunk. And secondly, what possibly reason do you have to trashing my thread. You lunatic.
  8. Sasha
    thanx, i will only use it for now to ban obvious fascists an mod the antifa and dutch forum.
    as soon as an new election system is in place it should go to an vote.
  9. I've made you a global moderator so you can ban fascists outside of Antifa.
  10. Sasha
    i think i posted just before you closed the thread so my reply got cought in the works.
    no problem
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22