Conversation Between Wanted Man and BobKKKindle$

  1. Wanted Man
    It's the best idea ever, but it will not happen. These things have to be spontaneous.
  2. please start that group you mentioned
  3. Wanted Man
    Lord knows. By the way, did RevLeft always have so many people who are basically pro-imperialists?
  4. I spend so much of my time arguing with these people? *sigh*
  5. Wanted Man
    Hey Bob, I noticed you posted this on HLVS's profile:

    "HLVS, a user asked me to warn you about leaving aggressive messages on This Charming Man's profile. If you have a personal disagreement with a user, please deal with it through PMs."

    I appreciate that other users look out for me by reporting such messages, and that mods like you deal with it. But it's okay, I don't think he should be sanctioned. I've attacked him in my posts and by the rep system as well. Suffice to say I and HLVS both think each others' politics are utter shit, there's just no way around it. I and HLVS should probably only talk to each other about football, really. C'est la vie.

    Edit: also, remind me to never give Killfacer bad rep. Jesus christ.
  6. You bastard. That article about Die Linke made me depressed
  7. fuck, some of these fucking reactionary pro-Israel comments make my blood boil.
  8. Sure thing, I was waiting until we had the required number of members. I'll get it going straight away.
  9. Wanted Man
    Hey Bob, I had a question about the "Hands off China" group. Will it be possible to start a forum for this group? I think it would be interesting to share articles, opinions, etc. about China, to analyse it, etc., without the dreadful intervention of people who only post kneejerk, non-analytical things whenever the subject pops up in the public forums.
  10. *Marxist Hugs*
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