Conversation Between Comrade Crow and Franz Fanonipants

  1. I know, I'm not plaining to do any proselytizing or da'wah or anything. I probably won't even bring it up, unless it's brought up by someone else or I want to correct a misconception or something, that's about it.
  2. be careful/strategic about that shit. i'm a catholic commie but i try to hit em more on a marxist level because that's where they're at.
  3. I assumed as much but I don't really care to much, if they can be as blatantly Atheist as some posts I've seen around here then I can be just as obnoxious if I want about Islam, I figure.
  4. tbh comrade a lot of posters here are virulent anti-theists and esp. anti-muslims as anti-theists tend to be so

    me, i mean, i'm not aq's biggest fan and hamas is ok but red shiism was badass
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