Conversation Between Revy and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Revy
    thanks for the welcome back
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Long time no see, comrade!
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    On the German Revolution, if you're interested:
  4. Revy
    I thought your new username said DMZ at first.
    I used to think that Jacob Richter was your real name, then I found out that Jacob Richter was one of Lenin's pseudonyms
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    You're one letter away from sharing the same username as one of the more annoying, Identity Politics-obsessed British posters in this board's history.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Just for laughs, I think:
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    I don't think you are a Luxemburgist, because she laid particular emphasis on mass strike waves as bringing about revolutionary periods. Remember the study group on Revolutionary Strategy.
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    Yes, I did read your letter. I wish Macnair had written an article, though.
  9. Revy
    Did you read my letter in the Weekly Worker?

    I think I can finally stop ranting about what happened months ago thousands of miles away from me. it's kinda like I now have closure. I had lots of strong opinions about it. The only thing I regret is the last sentence. I think I was trying to have some grand conclusion to it reinforcing my internationalist views, but it sounded like I was saying that it's inherently reactionary to fly the British flag. That's actually not what I believe.
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    Comrade, I read your post re. labour credits. Although I strongly disagree with the "immediate gift economy" model (per my own work, which I've e-mailed you), you really should engage Paul Cockshott on this board at some point.
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