Conversation Between shadowmare and Manifesto

  1. Manifesto
    Dont worry I am not a teenager that gets drunk every week or anything.
  2. Manifesto
    I dont have regular whiskey and I am 15 so.
  3. shadowmare
    I don't see why it wouldn't
    I tried just straight up Whiskey though
  4. Manifesto
    Would cherry whiskey work?
  5. shadowmare
    Its an aquired taste to be blunt, The Coffee was decaf but its hard to discribe the taste... Think a shot of Whiskey with ground coffee beans I guess :P
    Iunno, try it if you like but like I said, its an aquired taste
  6. Manifesto
    How did it taste?
  7. Manifesto
    Did you really mix whiskey and coffee?!
  8. shadowmare
    I never noticed
  9. Manifesto
    In that Scientology episode of South Park I saw Yoda when the aliens get dropped in the lava!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9