Conversation Between Flying Purple People Eater and l'Enfermé

  1. Flying Purple People Eater
    Many apologies. I will see to it that it will not happen again.
  2. I'll admit that this Hoxha stuff is pretty funny(lol "Hoxha, Hoxha, Hoxha and Stalin (and Hoxha) teach us this theory.") but please don't let it get out of hand(like Cocksterism) or the BA might have to take administrative action because it's basically disguised trolling.
  3. Check out Q's new thread in the Weekly Worker Reader's Group comrade, it has potential.
  4. That's hardly true, the Permanent Revolution is found in Marx's writings and speeches and those of other 19th century communists, and Trotsky wasn't even the first of the Russian Social-Democrats to use the theory(Parvus would be a good example), and the theory of uneven and combined development goes as far back as Nikolai Chernyshevsky, whom Marx and Engels greatly admired.

    Trotskyism, then, is not a real thing. At best the appellation could be used to describe anti-Stalinist/anti-Soviet Marxists who are pro-Bolshevik but reject Stalin's revisionism, but the Soviet Union is no more.

    Though a few Stalinists on RevLeft enjoy calling me a Trotskyist because I'm a great admirer of Leon Trotsky and consider him an outstanding revolutionary leader, I think of myself as an Orthodox Marxist, like Kautsky, Lenin, etc.
  5. To add to what Ismail said, not only do Trots today rally around SYRIZA, but there is a party or 2 in SYRIZA itself(SYRIZA is a coalition of parties, not a single party, but they're moving towards becoming one).

    And thank you comrade. I don't know where it's written that I'm a Trotskyist, because I'm not. First of all, I don't even believe there's such a thing as "Trotskyism", it's a slander invented by Trotsky's political opponents in the first decade of the 20th century, and then repeated by the "epigones of Leninism"(Stalin, Bukharin and Zinoviev and Kamenev) in the middle of the 1920s.

    Either way, Trotsky's opponents and his supporters both claim that he was the founder of a new political trend, Trotskyism, and his main theoretical contributions are the theory "uneven and combined development" and the theory of "permanent revolution".
  6. Flying Purple People Eater
    Just to reflect upon the sentiment of everyone else, It's great to see you unrestricted comrade. I really enjoy your posts and have found you to be a great person who doesn't let 'stigmas', shall we say, get in the way of criticism.

    Also, if I could be so brash, I've seen you call other people Trotskyists somewhat slanderously beforehand yet it says here that you are one yourself! Are there different kinds of Trotskyists, or something? (I'm still in the midst of learning all that be)
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