Conversation Between automattick and The Ben G

  1. automattick
    Sure, good luck and again, read around.
  2. The Ben G
    I knew that Internationalism is not strictly Trotskyist, but its non Stalinist (for the most part). Im aware of Lenin's stance twards Left Coms and Anarchists, but I don't agree with him on everything.

    PS, thanks for the recommendation.
  3. automattick
    Internationalism was not unique to the Trotskyists only, Marx spoke about the need for an International and established one. As far as Lenin is concerned, it is worth reading some of his pre-1917 writings in order to get a sense of where he was coming from and where he ended up. I recommend you check out Paul Mattick's 1949 essay entitled "Spontaneity and Organisation" over at the Marxist Internet Archive website.
  4. The Ben G
    Well, I've been analyzing Left Communism and I can see some Trotskyist traits, such as Proletarian Internationalism. One of the major problems with Left Communism that I see is the Leninaphobia.
  5. automattick
    Why don't you join the Left Communist forum group and discuss some of the issues you have there, perhaps they will be able to provide some answers or at least be willing to discuss them with you.
  6. The Ben G
    I might. I just find some problems with Left Communism. Though, im not one of those Ultra Leninists who want to purge all of the Anarchists/Left Coms off of the edge of the Universe. I think that we can work together.
  7. automattick
    Hopefully you will reconsider left communism.
  8. The Ben G
    Thanks man. I had a stint as a Left Com, but I soon fell out of grace with the whole Gorter circle.
  9. automattick
    Thanks, comrade. I like your album cover.
  10. The Ben G
    Cool Name.
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