Conversation Between Comrada J and ev

  1. Comrada J
    I'd love to learn Russki! But I've never seen any classes for it, not very popular langauge here in Australia. Definitly on the to-do list I tells ya.
  2. Comrada J
    I don't think Trotsky and Stalin cat would get along. The claws would come out. >:3
  3. Hey Comrada J,

    Thanks for the rep, just thought I'd correct you too, your avatar ought to be:
    ЛЕНИН КОТ = LENIN CAT Learn to speak Russian

    Funny though, you should edit it and put a hat like Lenin's on the cat, hey i know.. I should make make Trotsky cat and we could start a feline revolution.

    Lol, Cheers again mate.
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