Conversation Between hatzel and Inquisitive Lurker

  1. Well then you are just going to look silly by not responding. I hate to think it will make it that much easier for me to be seen as defeating you, but I'm going ahead with this project, because it is very interesting.

    I'll email you the thesis/original post so you can enjoy it.
  2. Couldn't deal with someone who knows how to argue, and present facts and statistics. Just couldn't handle it, could you?
  3. hatzel
    I'm not replying to you anymore, because you seem to be totally incapable of reading, which must be why you keep saying totally stupid unrelated much for that soaring atheist IQ, huh?

    Oh, and no, being an atheist doesn't make you left-wing. Just ask this guy. A bit like supporting imperialism doesn't make you left-wing *cough*

    Please don't reply, because you'd be wasting your time. I won't be paying you any attention any more, because an ability to read is a prerequisite for being my conversation partner. You don't quite fit the bill, sorry...

  4. Come up with another possible answer. Come up with a non-negative interpretation. Come up with Judaic doctrine that teaches the Holocaust was a good thing.

    Atheism is highly tied to leftism. If it weren't, they wouldn't have a forum.
  5. hatzel
    Who decided on the three possible answers? You. Who decided they were all negative? You. Who obviously understands nothing of Jewish theology? Clearly you, too...

    Oh, and by the way, this is a site for leftists, to discuss leftist ideas. If you want to discuss theology or whatever, go to a forum dedicated to that purpose. As of yet, you've not really made any posts that show any hints of leftism, and many which have actually belied a pretty reactionary outlook. For this reason, I assume that this isn't the forum for you.
  6. The nature or existence of a supernatural force is of no interest? All three answers are negative, which lead to the most wonderful conclusions.
  7. hatzel
    Why does it make any difference to you, exactly?
  8. The three possible answers are Indifference, Endorsement, or Non-Existence.
  9. But the question remains, why did G~d let it happen to his "Chosen People?"

    BTW, do you want that Tanach or shall I put it on eBay?
  10. hatzel
    I'm not going to, actually, because I didn't say they were illogical, I said that they have have significantly reduced their appeal by the use of this particular argument, which is considered rather offensive by many people. I don't know if you know, but it's generally considered offensive to use acts of genocide as an argument to 'prove' some abstract point, as you yourself did in that post. Hence I've intentionally decided to ignore it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11