Conversation Between CyM and The Garbage Disposal Unit

  1. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Shisha/coffee some evening this week?
    (Or failing that, you'll be at the usual place on Thursday?)
  2. CyM
    Thanks! Good luck lab rat, don't eat the cheese, it's a trap. Thursday, hatter's, 10 pm.
  3. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Congrats on your re-admining. I'm going to be in the hospital until Wednesday evening (I'm not sick, I'm being a lab rat), but I'll buy you a drink on Thursday night?
  4. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    I got the email!!! I want to go!!! But I'm going to be in Onterrible!!!
    Let's hang out when I get back, probably around the 20th?
  5. CyM
    Come to my event on the second egyptian revolution wednesday.
  6. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    No worries. I'll catch you next week.
    Super nice seeing you the other night, and I look forward to it.
  7. CyM
    I'm sorry to hear that brother. Next week sounds fine. My condolences. And I didn't remember what day we'd agreed to, sorry.
  8. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    No shisha tonight?
    Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away last night, so I'm going back to Halifax for a few days. Shisha next week?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8