Conversation Between Ztrain and Nuvem

  1. Nuvem
    An edit to the prior message; we now only need 1.
  2. Nuvem
    It would be news to me if you did, because I've never heard your name before. In any case, I'm interested because my friends and I are working towards establishing a branch of the Socialist Party USA for the Rockford metropolitan area (Rockford, Rockton, Loves Park, Machesney Park, etc.) and we only need 2 more people to officially form the Local. We're looking to get politically active and start stirring things up in the Rockford area. If you have any interest, let me know. Participation in the Local does require SPUSA party membership, which is only $15 annually for students. You can find further party info here.
  3. Ztrain
    Yes I am and my name is i know you?
  4. Nuvem
    You're from Rockford as in Rockford, Illinois?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4