Conversation Between Viet Minh and ComradeMan

  1. Viet Minh
    Cool! I don't know much about it but it had a huge influence on the Abrahamic religions it seems.
  2. Viet Minh
    Yep. At the end of all this its only the working class people who will suffer, I doubt any police give a fuck about a bus being burnt out I doubt any of them even use the buses.
  3. ComradeMan
    PS. I will let you know about Zoroastrianism.
  4. ComradeMan
    Yes. It's pathetic. I saw the poor people who are tonight homeless, the other people who may have lost their livelihood and a video of an angry black man in London who was denigrating all of this (quite rightly and validly). Fuck some people could have been killed in those fires!!! The fact that pathetic politicians will try to politicise this is even more telling. Any so-called leftist who starts cheering for this sort of thing is a complete idiot in my opinion.
  5. Viet Minh
    Typos! I meant 'this' not 'his'
  6. Viet Minh
    Just to butt in on your conversation with the good rabbi I think the lefties who support his kinda shit are more than likely 'trendies' who find it exciting and are not directly affected. I guess they probably also have an idealistic view of who is involved in this sort of thing, imagining them to be ardent anticapitalists smashing and looting, when in fact they are probably just bargain hunters!
  7. Viet Minh
    Ah cool! You're just a general supporter of religion? What do you think of Zoroastrianism? I have found myself becoming quite interested in it again..
  8. ComradeMan
    Kosher goy! LOL!!!
  9. Viet Minh
    Hey man can I ask what religion you are? I assumed you were Jewish because of posts you made about Judaism, but I should learn to assume nothing on here! Peace
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9