Conversation Between jookyle and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    The quote in my signature comes from the first part of the writing actually.
  2. jookyle
    Thanks, I'll check those out
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah. Check out the 3 parts of The Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism. They aren't on MIA, but I have links to them in the Bordiga Literati group. Those are great writings as well.
  4. jookyle
    Party and Class, Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party, Letter to Karl Korsch, and The Democratic Principal are the ones that affected me the most. He really isn't afraid to directly adress questions an criticisms of the party and the way it works/his role like others are. He's very direct and never really drifts off into vague or around about explanations.
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yes, his writings on the party, his criticisms of "democracy" and his critiques of social democracy, syndicalism, and anarchism are really good too. What is your favorite Bordiga writing?
  6. jookyle
    I've been interested in him for quite some time. His writings on the role and function of the party in particular have been very important/influential reads for me.
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
    I didn't know that you were interested in Bordiga, honestly.
  8. jookyle
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
    I maintain the Bordigist group now and I accepted your request to join.
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