Conversation Between PRC-UTE and LeninBalls

  1. PRC-UTE
    Deadly Divisions is an okay source, very one-sided and biased, but in many areas accurate. In there I believe it says the INLA had a few hundred members in the seventies and mid eighties. After that it was likely lower. In Tim Pat Coogan's book on the IRA there's a chapter on the INLA, and IIRC it affirms that the INLA was more active than the PIRA in the mid eighties. Check the used bookshops in Dublin for that one, should turn up there. I saw it in a used bookshop in Don Laoghaire not long ago
  2. LeninBalls
    Yet 2 more questions on the glorious Troubles.

    Where are the sources for INLA membership? Not denying you, just curious.
    How many members do you think the CIRA/RIRA have combined, today?
  3. LeninBalls
    What would you say the figures are then?
  4. PRC-UTE
    That seems pretty low. In the mid-80s the INLA were more active than the Provos, so I doubt that's true.
  5. LeninBalls
    Is it true that when the INLA was active it had 50 members at most?
  6. PRC-UTE
    okay, pm me your email and I'll get you sorted out, a chara.
  7. LeninBalls
    Ok, cheers.

    Another note, I applied to join the IRSP (or was it affiliate membership? I don't remember) in August but I've got no word whatsoever of it?
  8. PRC-UTE
    hiya comrade. which part? basically the irps just reaffirmed that they don't see any purpose to armed struggle any time soon. they haven't disbanded or decommissioned. so it's the same position as yesterday.
  9. LeninBalls
    So, the INLA thing... true?
  10. LeninBalls
    Ceart go leor!
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