Conversation Between GoddessCleoLover and white picket fence

  1. GoddessCleoLover
    Lasch was hip briefly back in the late 70s. Then came the Reagan Machtdergreifung.
  2. white picket fence
    wow lasch is great
  3. white picket fence
    his idea is basically that the supposed liberalization and cultural movements of the 60's and 70's ruined culture and our romantic lives by basically bringing us one step closer to total individuation and life laid bare to the blind forces of the market.
  4. GoddessCleoLover
    I see. Sounds kinda sorta like the late Christopher Lasch's The Culture of Narcissism. Lasch is easy to read and makes some valid points.
  5. GoddessCleoLover
    Sorry I am unfamiliar with that author, but I was alive in the late 60s and while the hippies were a breathe of fresh air at the time I question their relevance to today's issues. For one thing the hippie phenomena arose at a time of the Vietnam war, but domestically the economy was booming. Due to the war there was very little unemployment, at least for white people. The economy has totally changed since then.
  6. white picket fence
    his idea is basically that the supposed liberalization and cultural movements of the 60's and 70's ruined culture and our romantic lives by basically bringing us one step closer to total individuation and life laid bare to the blind forces of the market.
  7. white picket fence
    have u ever read michael houellebecq, he has alot to say about hippies, i'd wonder what you'd think
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