Conversation Between h0m0revolutionary and Die Neue Zeit

  1. h0m0revolutionary
    Thanks haha
    Yeah took a bit of time out, been doing a bit of political reading, re-evaluating a few things. Looking forward to losing many, many hours of my life being angry at Stalinists on here again
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome back to the board! It's been a while!
  3. h0m0revolutionary
    When i spoke of liberation camapigns, and the CPGB's disregard for them, you said:

    "Well, a return to orthodox Marxism means the downplaying of New Left identity politics and an emphasis on class politics. I don't see a problem there."

    Do you even know what identity politics are?
    And if so, why do you see them as seperate from class politics?
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    My theoretical pamphlet (which you have) arrived at similar revolutionary-centrist conclusions, but at the time of writing I wasn't exposed to Lars Lih's "database" on Lenin and Kautsky, much less Macnair's stuff. The PCSSR programmatic WIP, on the other hand, is firmly an attempt to revive rev-centrism (without Macnair's type of dodging the "Kautskyist" label, here in NA "neo-Kautskyism" is perfectly fine for me).
  5. h0m0revolutionary
    You know Comrade i've always distanced myself from 'Revolutionary Strategy' discussion, in a very sectarian and stubborn way of ignoring Mike McNair :P.

    But I must confess to having spent the last 1hour and 20minutes watching this:

    I am ashamed haha.

    For what it's worth though, i did enjoy watching it, his knowledge of the left is something i think so so important, but as you can imagine there's this awful tendancy amungst anarchists to ignore the left or paint them as some great homogenous group to be distanced from, but like Mike i think it's important to know them and attack them accordingly.

    Not a bad talk form him at all, of course his conclusions are the same centrist type meandering i'd expect from him, but having not read hsi book, i can't contextualise them properly, have to get reading eh?.

    Then i'll join your discussion group :P
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Because the EUL was in no position to consummate its blatant coalitionist inclinations (a reminder of Macnair's "Kautskyan" musings on official Communist parties in post-WWII western Europe ), and because this is the EU elections and not the French elections, I see no point behind the NPA having run a separate campaign. During the French elections, the NPA should by all means compete against the blatant coalitionism of the Parti de Gauche.
  7. h0m0revolutionary
    re: euro elections post
    Do you not support NPA comrade?
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