Conversation Between Muzk and AK

  1. How so?
  2. epic fail of you at zeeklooids profile
  3. "It was justified because revisionism."
  4. probably deny it, or come up with some excuse/interpreted explanation
  5. Nice. A feminist supports that?
  6. lets ban abortion in a country full of rape
  7. What were Stalin's policies against women?
  8. haha i just read a pamphlet by some feminist marxist and thought "wow this sucks hard, wheres the analysis" and then she claims shes ML.

    then i thought about stalins policies against women
    then i loled
  9. How did it feel to fail? How did it feel to feel? All of those times,
    we tried our very hardest, and our best was never good enough for
    them. Well, those days have come to and end, my friends. We no longer
    answer to anyone and this new life is ours to live. The end. This is
    the end of the way we used to live. The end. The end. This is the
    death of the days that we were better off dead. No more second
    guessing. No more fucking patience. No more self-doubt. No more
    inhibitions. Adapt. Outlast. Adapt. Outlast. At Last. The end.
  10. Troll.
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