Conversation Between FreeFocus and Plagueround

  1. FreeFocus

    And people wonder why oppressed groups turn to nationalism or "identity politics."
  2. Plagueround
    How. Me no can wait for communism bring big peace. Thank spirits for communist come save us teach us savage good.

    Me send you copy of communist manifesto in smoke signal later.
  3. Plagueround
    Not much for me really. Working a lot and eagerly waiting for the school semester to be over so I can remember what my girlfriend looks like.
  4. FreeFocus
    What's up lately, comrade?
  5. FreeFocus
    Thanks comrade, happy to be here . Lots of dogmatists though, particularly a lot of Marxist ones, but it's better to encourage debate and discussion than to not lol.
  6. Plagueround
    Sup mang? Just stopping by to say I enjoy your posts thus far and think you're a great addition to these boards.
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