Conversation Between Patchd and Il Medico

  1. Il Medico
    And I Herby declare that in order to protect the revolution we must purge the mustard loving counter revolutionaries from the ranks of our Union of Ketchup Loving Social Republics. Viva la revolution! (under the watchful gaze of the dear leader, myself)
  2. Patchd
    Ketchup is also revolutionary. I hearby split and form the 4th International Executive Committee for Revolutionary Mustard-loving Socialism!!! All hail.
  3. Il Medico
    Mustard will never be a weapon of the proletariat, as sexism will never be a weapon of the proletarait either. Ketchup is the only condiment suitable for the revolution. As Lenin said "And with Ketchup and the will of the masses we will crush the bourgeois capitalism and the mustard which makes it possible."
  4. Patchd
    Durutti was wrong on that account, he was wrong on many accounts. If you analyse R. Hitler's statement however, we will see that what he meant by "made my fortune on it" was because as a seller of mustard, it literally made his fortune. When he stated that "mustard kept them down", he was indeed referring to the oppressive means with which he utilised the extraordinarily delicious sauce that is mustard to subdue the working class, however, this doesn't make mustard inherently oppressive! No comrade, in fact, we can reclaim mustard ourselves and use it as a class weapon against our bourgeois oppressors. Just like how the television isn't inherently oppressive, neither is the mustard sauce. The capitalists will sell us the mustard, we shall crush them with it.
  5. Il Medico
    You are wrong again. Das Kapitalist was written by Rudolf Hitler, a German enterupuner, and here is what he had to say about mustard: "I love the stuff, made my fortune on it, that and the labor of the working class, but the mustard kept them down." (Hitler 1222)
    To quote Durutti; "Mustard is to capitalism what workers are to communism; the backbone"
  6. Patchd
    No, common mistake, that's an excerpt from 'Das Kapitalist' ("The Capitalist") by none other than ADOLF HITLER, not 'Das Kapital' by Marx, who asserted in 'Wage, Labour and Mustard' that 'the putting of mustard into action – i.e., the awsome taste – is the active expression of the labourer's own life.'
  7. Il Medico
    A quote from Das Capital: "And the mustard hating proletariat must rise up to size the means of production from the mustard loving bourgeois."
  8. Patchd
    Where is your theoretical proof for this heretical claim?
  9. Il Medico
    How can you not! Not hating mustard is reactionary!!!!!
  10. Patchd
    How can you hate mustard? Counter-revolutionaire!
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