Conversation Between Anarcho-Brocialist and TheRedAnarchist23

  1. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Indeed, I am.
  2. Hey, you're back!
  3. Check this out, ""

    It is a thread I made about how the admins have too much power and misuse it, I present much evidence to my theory, but it got deleted for "trolling".

    I just wanted you to know how these admins really are.
  4. The more I read posts from socialists, the more I become conviced that they are either mad or have a low IQ.
    What sane inteligent person would support a one party state?

    Anyway, how are you?
  5. These authoritarians are mad!

    "Humans have but one nature: To behave in accordance with the mode of production set forth"


    " The Cheka were the secret police for the proletarian state. By defending the state, the Cheka were defending the class rule of the proletariat."

  6. yes it is better.
  7. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Better now?
  8. I wanted to talk to you, but the red in your profile page is hurting my eyes.
  9. Anarcho-Brocialist
    lol, funny, eh?
  10. here:

    You are beggening to sound like me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19