Conversation Between Return to the Source and The Vegan Marxist

  1. Return to the Source
    Thanks for asking, comrade. I'm sitting on two pieces that didn't quite develop like I wanted them to, so I'm exploring ways of synthesizing them into a follow-up China article. In the meantime, I put up a basic bibliography on the five revolutionaries on the R2TK banner.
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    Hey, what's up comrade?

    When's your latest (I'm sure will be great) article supposed to be published? A good number of us are looking forward to what's next in Return to the Source! lol
  3. Return to the Source
    Thanks for your encouragement, comrade! I achieved my goal with this article, which was to reignite these discussions among serious ML's. I appreciate your help!

    On your question, I view allowing some business owners into the CCP as addressing a pragmatic concern. The Chinese state controls the market and any capitalist relations by forcing its dependence on the state and preventing the class from emerging independently in its own right. The term I've started applying to it is 'the incubator bourgeoisie', in which the Chinese state can literally pull the plug at any time, which allows them to harness its power in attracting foreign capital and revolutionizing the productive forces. Allowing these folks into the party has two effects: (1) it orientates them towards the state goal of revolutionizing the productive forces in order to build socialism, and (2) it prevents this 'incubator class' from acquiring an independent political character.
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    Your article on market-socialism and China's continuing socialist struggle was brilliant comrade!

    Though, one question I'd like to ask you: what's your take on capitalists being allowed into the party since 2001 (I believe to be the correct year)? It definitely seemed like a direct contradiction to that of China's socialist ideal.
  5. Return to the Source
    Thanks comrade!
  6. The Vegan Marxist
    Excellent articles on your blog comrade! I enjoyed both the ZANU-PF and the Libya/Syria article you did. I reposted the Libya/Syria one through Red Ant.

    Keep up the great work, comrade!
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