Conversation Between Yehuda Stern and RedSabine

  1. RedSabine
    yeah, i'm european and native american.
    I embraced Islam about a year and a half ago, and was a leftist before that.
  2. Yehuda Stern
    Don't mention it. So, I understand you're muslim but not Arab?
  3. RedSabine
    Yo, sorry I've not written back yet, somethingwas being goofy last time I tried, so I gave up.

    Yeah, Arabic is hard. I'm American, by the way, and speak only enough to do iqamat-as-salat. And say hello and everything.
  4. Yehuda Stern
    السلام عليك يا رفيق وبدي ارحب بك بمناسبة انتظامك لريف ليفت
    انا عضو مجموعة صغيرة اسرائيلية اسمها الرابطة الاشتراكية الاممية مضدية بالصهيونية والامبريالية
    منين انت؟ شو بتفكر عن الوجع في فلسطين؟

    (I'm sorry if my Arabic is a bit off, I haven't talked to anyone in a while)
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