Conversation Between Drosophila and Zeus the Moose

  1. Zeus the Moose
  2. Zeus the Moose
    So opposing Kautsky in his renegade period, which pretty much almost every tendency does...

    Anything about the "Kautsky-as-Marxist" period?
  3. Lol, yeah..the group creator is gearing it towards opposing the renegade Kautsky. I told him to change the name, as it's pretty misleading and will confuse newcomers.
  4. Zeus the Moose
    So there's an "anti-Kautskyite" tendency now? Are we really getting to be that much of a threat?
  5. Zeus the Moose
    Yeah, I know of the history between the CWI and the IMT, and I agree that the split seems pretty dumb, particularly in an American context. But that's one of the main problems with Trotskyism...
  6. Yes, I did decide to join them as they felt like a solid group to me. We've actually been gaining some new interest with the Alan Woods speaking tour and all, so things are looking good. The CWI is also trying to start an organization around here, so if that takes off I might get involved with them as well. Only problem is that the two groups are kind of opposed to each other for dumb traditional reasons.
  7. Zeus the Moose
    So you joined the Grantites? That working for you so far?
  8. Zeus the Moose
    Still in its beginning stages, so we're working on cohering ourselves as an independent organisation rather than simply a tendency/faction within the Socialist Party. But we've been developing along those lines over the past couple months, so I think we're beginning to get somewhere.

    Some individuals (myself included), are also talking with other groups to try and develop contacts and political discussion, partially since RevUnity doesn't really want to exist as its own organisation for a long period of time. For example we posted this on our website with a call for responses both in and outside the group:
  9. How is Revolutionary Unity doing? I discussed it briefly with an ex-SPUSA member in the WIL.
  10. Zeus the Moose
    Still, good that you found them personable and committed; that's been my experience as well when dealing with them face to face.
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