Conversation Between IndependentCitizen and The Dark Side of the Moon

  1. The Dark Side of the Moon
  2. IndependentCitizen
    Yeah, a Tory is like a Republican, but Labour Party UK are more like Democrats. Liberals over here have a very small percentage of seats, but are currently in coalition with Tories to make a Liberal-Conservative coalition government.

    All 3 are mainstream capitalist scumbag parties however.
  3. The Dark Side of the Moon
    Ohhh, so like democrats and republicans?
  4. IndependentCitizen
    A Tory is a UK Conservative, this is their original party name before the 20th Century, they were known as the Tory Party, and the Liberals were known as Whigs.
  5. The Dark Side of the Moon
    hmmm. whats a torie?
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