Conversation Between fredbergen and Barry Lyndon

  1. Your such an arrogant prick. What gives you the right to define for everyone else who is a 'real communist' and who isn't. I guess since virtually no one supports NAMBLA except your org and the Sparts(I honestly can't tell the difference between them), then you must be the only communists in the world. That;s absurd.
  2. in 19th century England and America, and that such horrors continue in Third World sweatshops today.

    Fuck you.
  3. So this is how you deal with people who object to your cheerleading of pedophiles, by negrepping them? And btw you never answered my question- what age is too young to have sex with a grown adult? 13? 10? 5?
    It should be noted that many age of consent laws are the product of years of working class struggle, in order to protect children who were frequently sexually abused and raped by adult supervisors in factories and mills.
  4. The "age of consent" is used to define rape in terms of the ages of the people having sex. Actually, it is used by the state to persecute homosexuals and promote bourgeois "family values."

    But rape is not rape because of the age of the victim. Nor is sex necessarily consensual because of the ages of the partners! Rape is a crime because there is coercion that infringes on the right of the victim to effectively consent to or refuse sex.

    If a younger person is raped or otherwise sexually abused by an older person, the laws against actual rape -- coercion or violence to have sex without consent -- are appropriate.
  5. What for you should be the age of consent for minors?
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