Conversation Between Positivist and jookyle

  1. jookyle
    Well, it seems like a good idea to me. Any remote chance of China becoming socialist certainly died with Mao(not that is moving towards socialism anyways) and it's not like Albania was going to turn China into a socialist country either by hanging on.
  2. Positivist
    Where do you stand on the sino-albanian split?
  3. Positivist
    I've received all of them, thanks. I've only read the ones about inequality in America and the other about foreign policy and they were really good. I especially liked how you focused on 'Grand Area Theory.' I think we should focus on that for the article. Overall, some really good starting points there.
  4. jookyle
    Please let me know that you've received both emails. Between the two there is a total of three articles sent; one in the first and two in the second.
  5. jookyle
    I'll probably be sending a few more articles and columns in the next day or so
  6. jookyle
    Sorry about that, I had sent it to a friend of mine to look over for grammatical errors but she hasn't gotten back to me. So I've just sent it to you as is.
  7. Positivist
    I haven't received your article if you've sent it.
  8. Positivist
    Yea man sounds cool. I'm down south in evesham. It may be hard though with school coming up as I don't end up finishing up my day until 4 or 5 thanks to cross country but I'm sure we'll be able to fit it in a weekend sometime.
  9. jookyle
    Yo, here you at in jersey, we should meet up at some half way point or something and be marxists over coffee or something
  10. Positivist
    Haha thanks! Just trying to have some fun with the historical ignorance that a lot of leftists still have today.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11