Conversation Between hatzel and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. hatzel
    It's a proud day, man...a very proud day...that sweet sweet Brosa-love is all I've ever wanted

    But yeah seriously I think that guy's just swallowed the whole 'official' victors' narrative about WWII, and I don't want to condemn him too harshly for that, because it's only to be expected when we're all fed it so forcefully (though I might be willing to condemn him for his attitude in this case ), so...well, you know me, I like setting the record straight, and if that comes with the possibility of flying off somewhere on a rant, I'm gonna grab that opportunity with both hands!
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    Dude, I think I love you for this...
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    Gotta admit, his insults were completely ridiculous.
  4. hatzel
    But I'm having sooooo much fun just...trying to understand what he's even trying to say
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
    Lol, looks like shinjuku dori is trolling your page. You should do what I did and block the moron.
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