Conversation Between Guardia Rossa and Aslan

  1. Proto is (In this context) Primitive/Precursor, Žižekian as for I am in the process of endorsing Žižek's philosophy, primarily because I feel Žižek (most of the times, not when talking about Europe, 2015) says what I think, in a much more developed, albeit really confusing way. The same with all the Žižekians I have already found (Not that much, really)

    And I also want to poke some people, but that's secondary.
  2. what the hell is a proto-Zizekian Communist?

    Also I can't write on this, I can't see my writing
  3. Guardia Rossa= Russian Avante-Guarde with red triangle...

    I see what you did there...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3