Conversation Between Q and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Care to get on AIM comrade?
  2. Q
    Anything in specific or just some general love?
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey, I really appreciate your posts comrade
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Also, there 200(!) opposition parties in East Germany. The only organisations that were not allowed to exist were those who openly stated their attempt to destroy the State's monopoly on violence. I find Tiktin's opinion very biased and his conclusions absurd. To say the 20th century socialist countries were "non-societies" is ridiculous! Today a very significant portion of the German people complain about the lacking child care centers, lacking cultural facilities such as theatres and youth groups, lacking communal spirit in the new capitalism (not to mention the pension poverty so wide spread).
    Also, the BRD West Germany spent more on Police per person and has a higher bureaucratic membership per worker.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "Everyone watched everyone and you had two choices: Either you went with the flow or not. Either way, everyone watched everyone and it was impossible for individuals to organise an opposition to this."
    I don't know about the USSR, but i know what you said is complete bullshit as far as GDR is concerned. When the State was overthrown and the records opened up, it was found that the Secret Police the "Stasi", had 174,000 informants. A large part of them were within the 2 Million party members of the SED that never were formally asked if they wanted to but counted as informants because they at one occasion gave information. That was in a country of 16 Million! Overall, the Stasi had around 500-800,000 informants in its existence. Also, a very large part were foreign informants.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I have created a new group, care to join?
  7. Q
    Not a bad idea actually. You could bring it up with the Australian comrade
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey, this thread the Australian comrade made was quite interesting. I suggest we try add a section in RevLeft for travelling advice etc.
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