Conversation Between Manifesto and LeninKobaMao

  1. Manifesto
    Not "him" really but the way his image is now related to tyranny. Still one of my least favorite Bolsheviks.
  2. LeninKobaMao
    Why don't you like Stalin?
  3. Manifesto
    I like all that stuff too!
  4. Manifesto
    Lenin yes, Stalin no, Mao do not know enough.
  5. LeninKobaMao
    Do you support Lenin, Stalin and Mao?
  6. Manifesto
    Oh thats I what I do too.
  7. LeninKobaMao
    Well to be really honest with you I just searched Marxism-Leninism on Google images and found it.
  8. Manifesto
    Strange I have seen your new avatar just today and cannot remember where.
  9. LeninKobaMao
    Of course I forgot about that.
  10. Manifesto
    Not anarchist capitalist though right?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 37