Conversation Between Yehuda Stern and Random Precision

  1. Yehuda Stern
    I will. Thanks for the notice.
    And a happy Hanukkah to you.
    Comradely, Yehuda
  2. Get in on this thread if you have the time:

    Merry XMas.
  3. Yehuda Stern
    Moshe Machover is a professor of mathematics who used to teach in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, but now seems to teach at a British university. He was one of those people who created Matzpen (the Israeli Socialist Organization), probably the most prominent radical left group in Israel's history, in the 1960s, after getting expelled from the CP for inquiring about the Sino-Soviet split. To tell you more than that, I'll need a bit more time and a bit more space.
  4. There's an article in my group's journal this month about the situation in Israel by someone named Moshé Machover. Do you know anything about him?
  5. Yehuda Stern
    Thank you. I must insist though that, unlike what I see from your group and from the SWP, we criticize Hamas politically in a very harsh manner for its clear intention to sell out the Palestinian struggle. Still, I don't judge the rank and file of a group by its official positions, and it was good to see that both your organizations have people who can effectively and crushingly debate people like benhur and HLVS.
  6. Compliments on your latest post in the Amnesty International/Hamas thread. "Palestinian workers, drown in your own blood until you become good Marxists" is really what the attitude boils down to.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6