Conversation Between Brother No. 1 and scarletghoul

  1. scarletghoul
    hey comrade, can i have the 'hands off the dprk' group back
  2. scarletghoul
    hey can i have the 'hands off the dprk' group back ?
  3. scarletghoul
  4. Brother No. 1
    Your politcal statement is the politicalstatement of all Maoists
  5. scarletghoul
    It is indeed a glorious thread comrade.
  6. Brother No. 1
    that combat liberalism thread is
  7. Brother No. 1
    The ones you have now.
  8. scarletghoul
    what pics?
    also i agree with Andrei's comment below
  9. Brother No. 1
    lol where do you find those pics, instead of the one above, from?
  10. Brother No. 1
    So why arent you helping me in the Revleft CCCP?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11