Conversation Between Mista Commie and TheGodlessUtopian

  1. Mista Commie
    Yay! I used to love JRPGs, but I haven't played many of the new ones, and I am an Elder Scrolls fanboy through-and-through. And I don't play the COD games, I stopped playing them even before I became a leftist. Now I really don't like them :P
  2. TheGodlessUtopian
    JRPGs mostly, game such as Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey, along with some western RPGs like Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls and such. I also enjoy the occasional FPS such as Halo and, when I was conservative, the COD games (though I have foresworn them as a leftist). Sometimes I branch out into other genres but all in all I do not play many games anymore.
  3. Mista Commie
    I see in your Interests, you list gaming. What kind of games do you play?
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