Conversation Between Robocommie and Deicide

  1. Robocommie
    I don't really have a tendency. No tendency encapsulates my views and I think each one has its own form of bullshit that it suffers under. But yes, I do have a lot of similar views to Marxist-Leninists.
  2. ''User-Created RevLeft Groups:
    Against Eurocentrism Anti-Imperialists Authoritarian Socialist Black Panthers Fifth Socialist International Independent Socialists Marxist-Leninists Marxist/Leftist Historians Midwestern Leftist Palestine solidarity group Party for Socialism and Liberation Religious Socialism Revolutionary Strategy Solidarity with Cuba Video games Zapatista world support''
  3. Robocommie
    What makes you say that?
  4. What... you're a Stalinist? For goodness sake, why
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4