Conversation Between Kitty_Paine and NewLeft

  1. Kitty_Paine
    Bonne nuit
  2. NewLeft
    Kitty, it's nap time.. ☮ ♥ Chomsky! night
  3. Kitty_Paine
    lol, oh, we are too alike in that respect. It often gets me in trouble
  4. NewLeft
    That's what I do, I just go on with it even if I don't know whats going on.
  5. Kitty_Paine
    lol, I don't know if I fully understand what you mean. But I'll agree with you and take that risk.
  6. NewLeft
    ..some like fusion shit going on..
  7. Kitty_Paine
    You could put my profile pic in your avatar . Always a good option... lol
  8. NewLeft
    That's.. true.. Damn Kitty, I had this all figured out.
  9. Kitty_Paine
    I don't think a hippie would help your case, lol
  10. NewLeft
    I was thinking of changing into a hippie.. No one takes Chomsky seriously.
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