Conversation Between James Connolly and GallowsBird

  1. "Take that up with the majority of Orthodox Jews who do think you have to have the faith to be a Jew."

    And are Orthodox Jews the ultimate authority on the Jewish people? The idea of being a Jew is very subjective, especially when a group like the Ashkenazis have to be regarded as Jewish. Because of such subjectivity, even an Arab from the West Bank has legitimacy when claiming to be Jewish as they share a great deal of "Jewish DNA."
  2. "You should, at least, try to read Marxist-Leninist writings before claiming to be one!"

    I didn't become an anti-theist to find another dogmatic ideology. My opinions are based on my material and social environment relative to my time, as were Stalin, Lenin, and Marx.
    Read my arguments regarding Marxist Categoricalism, and my points regarding Marxism-Leninism's standard in relations to it. If you think a few books by authors from previous material conditions are going to be standards for Marxism-Leninism, then you are wrong. Unlike other tendencies, Marxism-Leninism is non-dogmatic. Go join the Trots if you're going to go down that line.
  3. Wow, you are so knowledgeable. As if I couldn't go on google and type in "Zionism."
    They are also wrong, Zionism ended with the creation of Jewish state(although there was another strand which wanted all the world's Jews to move to Israel.) Modern Zionism, or neo-Zionism, is the movement to expand the borders of Israel. Zionism really has its start in 1896, when Herzl wrote his Der Judenstaat. Zionism, as a reactionary ideal, isn't equal to Israeli Patriotism or Nationalism. There is a very fine between the two.
  4. GallowsBird
    This means that one doesn't have to be a follower of the faith of Judaism to be a Jew.

    Take that up with the majority of Orthodox Jews who do think you have to have the faith to be a Jew.
  5. GallowsBird
    If you read my posts I (as well as others) denied that Jews are a "single ethnic group" or "nation": this is the classic Marxist viewpoint i.e. you should read Lenin and Stalin more often who didn't define Jews as a "nation" as they don't share a common language, territorial integrity or shared national destiny. Again, you should read: Lenin's 'The Position of The Bund In The Party', Stalin's 'Marxism and the National Question' and maybe Marx's 'On The Jewish Question' (though this does, despite Marx being from a Jewish background have a slightly uncomfortable and stereotypical view of European Jewry).

    You should, at least, try to read Marxist-Leninist writings before claiming to be one!
  6. GallowsBird
    Another from Oxford English Dictionary:

    Zionism (Zi·on·ism) Pronunciation: /ˈzīəˌnizəm/


    * a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
  7. GallowsBird
    You are the ignorant one, obviously. Definition from Merriam-Webster:

    Zi·on·ism noun \ˈzī-ə-ˌni-zəm\

    : an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel
    — Zi·on·ist \-nist\ adjective or noun
    — Zi·on·is·tic \ˌzī-ə-ˈnis-tik\ adjective

    So in other words what you support! Fool.

    Stalin's Marxist definition:

    "Zionism – A reactionary nationalist trend of the Jewish bourgeoisie, which had followers along the intellectuals and the more backward sections of the Jewish workers. The Zionists endeavoured to isolate the Jewish working-class masses from the general struggle of the proletariat."
  8. "If he/she wasn't to attack Israel, and deny the existence of the Jewish people, fine."

    Correction: wants not wasn't.
  9. Negative can be whatever he/she pleases. It is not in my place to tell him/her how to behave or what to believe. If he/she wasn't to attack Israel, and deny the existence of the Jewish people, fine. Simply having Jewish ancestry doesn't give you a free ride at saying whatever you'd like about Israel and it automatically having more influence than others. Appealing to authority is lame anyway.

    I myself am only Jewish from my father's side. My mother is an Irani Muslim, and I personally support Iran acquiring nuclear technology(I don't believe Israel's claims that Iran is creating nuclear bombs). Why would my father marry a goy? Because he's been an Atheist Commie for the better part of his life, at least ever since his brother created his own Maoist guerrilla group and was assassinated by the Turkish government.
    So please, tell me how I'm racist against myself(as I'm technically half Irani and half Jewish.)

    Since I regard you as ignorant, I also challenge you to define Zionism.
  10. GallowsBird
    Just because a Jew says something doesn't automatically make it false. Got it?

    Er, shitwit depending on how you define a Jew Marx, Kaganovich and Negative Creep are Jews! I certainly agree with them on Zionism and with the latter on how much of a moronic racist you are. I haven't read Martin Luther's books as I am not a Christian you racist cretin and I am not against all Jews as Jewish and Zionist are not synonymous in anything but a deranged racist mind (like that of yourself).You are just a racist to non-Jews (who can not be against Israel for any reason other than racism as they are ignorant racist undermen apparently) and Palestinians especially (who you seem to think are lesser animals) so you can fuck-off to Holy Zion for all I care.
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