Conversation Between Brosa Luxemburg and Ceallach_the_Witch

  1. Ceallach_the_Witch
    i've also got a feeling that a lot of these peeps have neither read much history nor substantially looked into marx/related literature - that is, unless it already agrees with them
  2. Ceallach_the_Witch
    I've found this to be a problem in just about every single leftist setting I've been in. I can't for the life of me understand why, either. It's honestly not like anyone here has anything riding on the frankly perverse notion that NK and similar embody anything even remotely to do with socialism. I've wasted a lot of time already on people like that :/
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    lol I was impressed with your response in the North Korea thread. It annoys me that people will praise obviously capitalist nations as long as a red flag is hoisted high and the nationalist leaders speaks with socialist rhetoric.
  4. Ceallach_the_Witch
    AND THEN I managed it
  5. Ceallach_the_Witch
    The friends request doesn't seem to want to accept, I'm afraid :/ I'm not over-familiar with this site's layout, to be honest, but I'm sure it'll work out sooner or later. Thanks for the friends add though
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