Conversation Between seventeethdecember2016 and Nox

  1. I believe in relativism. There is no such thing as 'right' or 'wrong.' There is also no objectivity in human reasoning.
  2. Circumcision is not "right" in any way. Nor is it anyone's "right" to do it to someone else without consent. It might not seem like a big deal to you, but it is, and then there's also the whole concept of doing shit to babies too.
  3. I frankly don't care about what is 'right' and what is 'wrong.' Both concepts are subjective and very from person to person.
    F**k society, and its inauthentic regulations!
  4. Cutting off a fully functional part of someone's body without consent is not a religious right. If you did that to an older person, it would be a serious crime.
  5. Under a Socialist world no. In a Capitalist world yes.
  6. Circumcision is not a religious right.
  7. I suppose our Liberal culture takes its toll.

    Listen I'd agree with you if the nuclear family or the influence of religion had broken apart, but since it hasn't I'll follow the most practical path.

    We cannot crush religious rights based on the subjective stances of a few lefties, rather it is better to watch religion slowly dissolve itself without being agitated.
  8. Are you fucking stupid? Nobody has any fucking right, religious or whatever the fuck, to cut off a fully functional and useful part of someone's body without consent, ESPECIALLY THAT OF A CHILD
  9. Well, I'm not a supporter, as I frankly don't give a f**k about this specific issue.

    I will however advocate religious rights, as they still wield a lot of influence in the world.
  10. That's totally irrelevant. You are a supporter/defender of child abuse. Period.
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